25 Years of Jazz
1 August 2019
The first Jazz Jackrabbit™ game was released a quarter of a century ago. Happy birthday, Jazz!
15 November 2021
Cheers! And have a happy coming Christmas eve.
Sedir Morais
26 December 2023
Hey! Really nice to see projects like these. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Jazz Jackrabbit™ has just been re-released by GOG! The release includes all 11 original episodes — 1 to 6, A to C (from the CD edition), the Christmas Edition episode and Holiday Hare '95.

I've tried it out, and I can confirm that the data files are fully compatible with OpenJazz. If you've been using OpenJazz with just the shareware episodes, now's your chance to get the full experience!

24 January 2018
So this is true? Like, I can get to play the re-release of the original game? *-*

So far the music hasn't been working for me with the shareware version and there has been some minor in game issues -

Will this solve the problem and be true to original, even when run through openjazz?

some jackrabbit
9 October 2018

Not sure where to report this but your rss feed is malformed because of the ™ entity

It prevents access to it from some RSS readers (e.g. TT-RSS)
Slowly but Surely
5 February 2014
Once again, there are no grand new features in today's new version - just a whole load of small changes that bring the gameplay several steps closer to the original. Go get it!
15 February 2014

I was thinking about porting this to libretro, would you mind?

If you agree and we get something working would you accept the libretro port upstream?
21 February 2014
Sure, go ahead! I don't know what it would involve, but I imagine it would be possible to incorporate it later.
The latest release contains some long overdue physics improvements, among other things.

That's not the biggest news, though. OpenJazz is now available for Android devices! Get it here, courtesy of Przemub.
16 September 2013
Hi Allister!
I've been trying to compile this for some time, but I always get a HUGE pile of "undefined reference" errors upon trying.
I'm on Ubuntu Linux, and I've tried make on the default Makefile and on the Makefile.debian file.
Are there building instructions somewhere?
I'd love to see it running on my Raspberry Pi, too! (Debian) :)

6 February 2014
Hi Vanfanel!
Sorry it's taken so long to respond! I don't know what the problem is, the Makefiles seem to be up-to-date. Could you please mail the error output to me at
Slow-Motion Turbo
30 July 2012
According to Wikipedia, today is the 18th anniversary of the first Jazz Jackrabbit™ game being released! To mark the occasion, I've released a new version.

Development has been slow recently, but since the last news update the following features have been added:
  • Slow motion.
  • The option to change the difficulty setting mid-game.
1 September 2012
I am not able to play any of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 levels :( Tried .j2l, .j2t, .LEV and none of them worked :(
27 March 2013
ofc this is for jazz, not for jazz2
23 July 2013
Actually, there is limited support for .j2l levels, but it only works for certain versions of Jazz Jackrabbit 2. You also still need the JJ1 files (for the menus, etc.).